All this week the Germans have been pushing on in Romania & are now near Bucharest. Greece now thinks that it is about time to join Germany, and in a few days we shall have a definite course taken by the Greek government.
We heard from Bob yest. He is at present in a former German trench so we conclude he must be near the front. He says the conditions are indescribable.
Dorothea went off to London on Tuesday. I was to have gone with her but the Doctor said I was not fit to travel, so she went alone & on Wednesday went with Ursula to see a doctor, who told her to go and see another doctor.
There was a Zepp raid on Tuesday & a Taube dropped some bombs in London during the day time, one near Gorringe’s and another near Harrods. Mary heard the noise but thought it was guns in the Green Park practising. Two Zeppelins were brought down & fell in to the sea.
Father heard from Aunt Sophy yest. Saying that they had orders to leave Folkestone. The Govt gave them a grant of £70 with which to pay for the storage of their furniture.
I went to Hurlditch to lunch. Mrs R told me that she had had such interesting letters from Dick who was in the Battle of the Ancre attached to the Naval division.