Journal Entry – Saturday March 4th 1916

The Germans have reviewed the attack on Verdun. What is going to be the end of it, & what terrible things shall we be hearing soon?

That’s seaplane was wrecked on the French coast. Captain Gordon had fresh tales to tell the other day. He said we were building super super dreadnoughts as fast as we can build them, a very unlikely tale, as it is not dreadnoughts we want but torpedo boats & submarines. It has been a lovely day, had my 1st practice of Mary’s play “St George” which we are really trying to do this year & very appropriate it seems just at this time, but what will have happened by June 1. After all the unmarried men did not seem to have come in, in large enough numbers owing to the number of exemptions.

Janet & I called on the Arundells yesterday & went on & had tea at Marystowe where we saw Rupert in his chaplains uniform. Saw Mrs Wollocombe at the Arundell’s she said she is living in terror of a big sea battle, & what will happen to her dear Bidlake. It must be terrible for her with 3 of her 4 boys in danger.

Alex Arundell has been badly wounded – both legs smashed.

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