Lovely day, bright sun & cloudless sky.
At 10 AM came in a telegram from Exmouth to say that Aunt Ju had died, she has been so ill that it is a relief to think that she is at rest after her long and troublous life.
D has a long letter from Mary Shaw this morning in which she deplores the death of Jack Froude, he was only 16 and such a clever boy.
In the afternoon we went to Launceston & did some shopping. It was a cattle fair day and there were all the young farmers loafing about the town & hanging about in public houses, instead of answering the call from their king & country. Proctor, the Ironmonger told me that 5 of his men had gone, & 8 from Treleven’s shop. The labouring class and our class have done well, but the farmer class badly.