England has declared war on Austria. Germany has made no head way in Belgium
No one knows where our army and navy is at least when I say no one, of course one forgets the authorities. The King for instance is kept informed by wireless telegraphy, the exact position of every ship.
The Atlantic is being guarded by our cruisers so that our food supply shall not be cut off.
Last night Plymouth was full of soldiers but today they have gone. No one saw them go, like the swallows they were seen collecting, but their departure was done secretly.
Stella Domville has left us. She has been splendid, & has helped us so much with the bandaging. I drove her to Coryton station & then went on to Sydenham with Ela to find an umbrella.
We had tea at Marystowe & drove home. Lovely evening. Sat out after dinner on the terrace.