Another long despatch from general French. In it he speaks very highly of the territorial units that have been at the front, also he shows what a fearful struggle our army has had in preventing the Germans breaking through power lines. The 50 days battle for Calais, that is what it will be known as. At Ypres & Armentierres the enemy tried to get through.
My last morning at the hospital, in a way I am rather sorry. One of the nurses gave us a lesson in bathing a patient between the blankets, & then we each had to do one. I had a dear little boy with a broken leg. In the afternoon I went for several drives on trams to get the air and at 4 went to bed to prepare for night duty which begins at 10 PM.
This morning I made the discovery that one of the patients is a wounded soldier, belonging to the 2 trillion guards. He and his company were surprised by the Germans, & during the battle of Mons they had to flee as fast as they could, & he got wounded by a bullet in the leg. He is quite young & is very quiet.
Next entry 8th December