Very close & hot. Baby very good in the night did not wake until 6.45, was quite happy no tears after her bottle.
Germans had another defeat in Belgium.
Still no news of our army or navy.
I went to Plymouth to see W Britton [Dentist]. He finished crowning a tooth. Got some flannel for shirts & wool for socks, for the working party to make. Very slow tedious journey back. Waited ever so long at L Road [Railway Station] for Riviera Express []. Admiral met me at Lifton. Very slow journey home.
Reginald spent the day on the moor with Drewe and Newmans.
Lilian Wingfield came over to lunch to have her photograph taken in her dress that she wore at the Sydenham Masque
July 29th 1914
Thunder storm in evening. Fed fowls. 11 eggs.